Expanded Portable System and Transducer Repairs
Summit Imaging is proud to announce that we now offer repairs on GE and Philips portable laptop systems and transducers.

Full probe and system repair capability on the following systems:
Supported GE portable units include:
Logiq E
Vivid I
Vivid Q
Voluson E
Voluson I
Supported Philips portable units:
We are constantly working to improve our response times for our customers. When your transducer or system arrives at our facility expect a full evaluation and Discovery Report to be delivered to your inbox within 6 business hours.
Each repair is backed by our standard 6 month warranty; currently the longest available in the industry. We make the process quick and easy to get you back up and running with as little downtime as possible.
Give us a call to send your probe in today for a free evaluation - our Customer Support Team is ready to help!
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