Q&A with Kyle Grozelle of Summit Imaging
What’s new at Summit Imaging?
Summit Imaging migrated the hosting of our Ultrasound and Mammography educational videos to YouTube as part of our recent website reconstruction and redesign. Mobile apps and hosting technologies are now making it quicker and more convenient than ever for users to access content.
What was the reason for this?
YouTube’s ease of accessibility through a mobile device’s native browser or through a YouTube installed app makes the experience more elegant than navigating to a site and searching through content. We also have a unique opportunity to disassemble and diagnose medical devices down to a component level, and feel it is essential to share this knowledge with healthcare facilities.
What benefits does this offer over hosting them on your own website?
YouTube is the most accessible platform to share and search for video content on the internet. Our previous platform was constrained to the ecosystem of our own website. Our objective is to give healthcare facilities the tools they need to make the most informed decisions. We have a lot of knowledge to share to enable healthcare facilities to lower their total cost of ownership and YouTube is a wonderful platform to broadcast critical information that they need to know.
How often are videos added?
We have migrated hundreds of technical videos to our channel and will continue to add more every week. We recently started a series of videos focused on education and awareness on critical issues regarding Ultrasound and Mammography equipment. A popular topic is “Quality Tips,” the goal of which is to help healthcare facilities identify remanufactured parts in ultrasound and mammography equipment and other market issues everyone should be aware of.
How do you generate topics for videos?
Our ISO 13485:2003 QMS is designed to accelerate root cause analysis of “non-conformance” and identify remanufactured parts issues as they impact equipment performance and patient safety. Our ability to repair down to component level allows us a unique opportunity to discover more technical solutions that will be incorporated into our new YouTube channel. Our goal is to Make our customers heroes™, so we always welcome suggestions for topics. Please feel free to email us with your ideas at techsupport@mysummitimaging.com!
For more vidoes, visit the Summit Imaging YouTube channel and see all of their educational videos currently available! Like this video? Share the blog post on social media!
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